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Contact information:

Ciao Chow Translations

Anita van Adelsbergen MA CL

More information and websites (Dutch) (Dutch (Coachings website Dutch)


A lot of things have changed in the translation industry over the last couple of years. Internet and translation tools may come in handy but they are definitely not perfect. In some language pairs the result could even be catastrophic! Translation is an art, a skill, a profession and it will cost you some money. For those of you who are not able to spend much on a translation, we have come up with three different translation levels so anyone can afford to hire us! Please note that not all texts are available for our lowest price. We will inform you of this before booking.

Translation packages Ciao Chow Translations

Bronze Translations

Our best price!

0,10 eurocent per word or 40 euro per hour.

With our 'Bronze' package you will get our lowest and best price! You will get our expertise in combination with our terminology database and translation tool. We will do a quick check, take out the errors and that's it. This translation will not have any errors but we won't change much about the style and wording. This package is ideal for translations without too much depending on them, e.g. an informal letter to someone or an information request. Please note that article 7 of our General Conditions is not applicable to this fee! This basically entails that there's no liability on our part and there is also no right to claim any possible damages. Not all translations can be executed within this package. We will of course inform you of this. 

Silver Translations

Our standard rates!
0,11-0,19 eurocent per word or 50 euro per hour

'Silver' is our standard package! A professional and double checked translation. The word rate depends on the difficulty and language pair. We will inform you of our best rate before booking.  

Gold Translations

Our specialised rates!
0,20-0,35 eurocent per word or 60 euro per hour

Our 'Gold' package is applicable for specialised translations, such as medical or legal translations. They will require extra work and attention, hence the increased rates. Marketing texts for specialised industries may also fall under this category, such as texts relating to horses, equestrian sports, Ayurveda or wine.

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